Exfoliating Mitt
What is it: exfoliating mitt to deeply exfoliate your skin without harmful chemicals - only water.
Avoid harmful chemicals, soaps, and foams using water with a silicon-free facial scrub. Experience deep cleansing to remove dead skin cells, even out your skin tone, scrub away dry skin, and stimulate blood flow.
If you're looking for a way to get a long-lasting, smooth, glowing tan without the dark spots and rashes that use the traditional orangey lotion, try our skin exfoliator. It will extend the life of your sunless tanner and tame unruly skin.
Please Note: Skin peeling depends on skin type and visible peeling results are not guaranteed. Skin will be exfoliated regardless if visible peeling occurs. Results vary depending on skin type, some people experience some level of exfoliation without visible results.
يعتمد تقشير الجلد على نوع البشرة ونتائج التقشير الظاهرة غير مضمونة. سيتم تقشير الجلد بغض النظر عن حدوث تقشير مرئي. تختلف النتائج وفقًا لنوع البشرة ، حيث يعاني بعض الأشخاص من مستوى معين من التقشير دون نتائج مرئية.

Focus on Common Skin Issues